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At New Apple, we're dedicated to helping independent authors find their way into the world of publishing. Finishing your first novel is an accomplishment all its own, but the next step is the one that makes the difference between being able to say, "I wrote a book," and "I'm an author." That's where New Apple can help.

Indie and Self-Published Book Awards...

The most effective way to gain publicity and credibility for your book is through honest reviews and positive accomplishments. New Apple's Annual Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing were established to honor the creative achievements within the world of indie and self-publishing that so often go unnoticed among the multitude of book releases. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE


Winners have been announced for the 2019 New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing. Seventy-nine books in total were awarded either Solo Medalist or Official Selection honors in a variety of categories. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL LIST

CLICK HERE to see the books chosen in the 2018 New Apple Annual Book Awards Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

Love on a LimbLove on a Limb, A Great Expectations Love Story, The Graykens: Book 1
by Laurie Lewis
2018 New Apple "BEST NEW FICTION" Winner
Click here to purchase

Matthew Grayken is young, successful, and dying, which is why he’s about to propose to a total stranger. He isn’t interested in love. He needs a caregiver to be his legal voice when he can no longer speak for himself.
Lonely, compassionate nurse Mikaela Compton agrees to Matt’s loveless marriage, but she refuses to accept the inevitability of Matt’s death. When their friendly marriage deepens, love leaves them out on a limb.

All Roads Shattered
A Collection of Dark Fiction
Short Stories & Poems
by Lisa Diaz Meyer
A dark and diverse award winning collection of short stories in multiple genre’s including post apocalyptic, sci-fi, dystopian, mystery and paranormal.
Available at

When Angels FlyAward winning titles from DW Plato
and Trials & Tribulations of Modesty Greene
Both available at Amazon

"What do these two books have in common? Powerful women."
AUDIOBOOKS now available!

Bishop's WarBishop's War
by Rafael Amadeus Hines
2017 New Apple "BEST NEW FICTION" Winner
Click here to purchase

Introducing Special Forces Sergeant John Bishop, decorated war hero, and nephew of crime boss, Gonzalo Valdez. After returning home from Afghanistan John’s hopes for a peaceful future are quickly shattered when he is catapulted back into the global war on terror through a succession of life-threatening events and corrupt intrigue.







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You've poured your heart and soul into your first novel... now what?

Our advice: leave it sit for a while. Take a few weeks to burn off your adrenaline, start your next book or maybe even read something new. The biggest mistake new authors make is rushing into self-publishing before they are ready. We get it; you're excited.

Before you do anything with your manuscript, read our complete advice and check out some of our past book award winners' success stories, words of wisdom and thoughts on self-publishing.

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