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2017 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards:

Love on a LimbLove on a Limb, A Great Expectations Love Story, The Graykens: Book 1
by Laurie Lewis
2018 New Apple "BEST NEW FICTION" Winner
Click here to purchase

Matthew Grayken is young, successful, and dying, which is why he’s about to propose to a total stranger. He isn’t interested in love. He needs a caregiver to be his legal voice when he can no longer speak for himself.
Lonely, compassionate nurse Mikaela Compton agrees to Matt’s loveless marriage, but she refuses to accept the inevitability of Matt’s death. When their friendly marriage deepens, love leaves them out on a limb.

When Angels FlyAward winning titles from DW Plato
and Trials & Tribulations of Modesty Greene
Both available at Amazon

"What do these two books have in common? Powerful women."
AUDIOBOOKS now available!"

Bishop's WarBishop's War
by Rafael Amadeus Hines
2017 New Apple "BEST NEW FICTION" Winner
Click here to purchase

Introducing Special Forces Sergeant John Bishop, decorated war hero, and nephew of crime boss, Gonzalo Valdez. After returning home from Afghanistan John’s hopes for a peaceful future are quickly shattered when he is catapulted back into the global war on terror through a succession of life-threatening events and corrupt intrigue.

Select from the category list to the right to see the chosen independent eBooks:

New Apple Award

Action / Adventure
Autobiography / Biography / Memoir
Cross Genre
General Fiction
General Non-Fiction
Health / Medicine
Historical Fiction
Historical Non-Fiction
Literary Erotica
Motivational / Self-Help
Psychological Suspense
Religion / Spirituality
Science Fiction

Short Story Fiction
Suspense / Thriller
Young Adult Fantasy
Young Adult General Fiction
Young Adult Mystery / Thriller
Young Adult Sci-Fi / Horror

2017 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards: MYSTERY
Solo Medalist Winner


The Last Train

by Michael Pronko

Detective Hiroshi Shimizu investigates white collar crime in Tokyo. When an American businessman turns up dead, he’s called out to the site of a grisly murder—or is it suicide? A security camera video catches a glimpse of a woman, but in Japan, a female killer seems unlikely. Hiroshi and ex-sumo wrestler-turned-detective Sakaguchi scour Tokyo’s sacred temples, skyscraper offices and industrial wastelands to find out what was in the past of one Tokyo woman that drove her to murder. Hiroshi confronts the stark realities of the biggest city in the world, trying to cut through Japan’s ambiguities—and dangers—to find the murdering ex-hostess before she extracts her final revenge—which just might be him.

Available Formats: eBook, Paperback
Publishing House: Raked Gravel Press
Author's Twitter: @pronkomichael
Author's Facebook:
Author's Website:
Available for purchase:

Official Selections (in alphabetical order by title):
Official Selection


Forget-me-not Blues: what lies within the beating heart exposed (Abby Foulkes Mysteries 3)

by Alison Gray

The dreadful past pulls Abby towards the beautiful island of Crete where old and new mysteries engulf her.

Available Formats: eBook, Paperback
Publishing House: Self-Pub
Author's Twitter: @_alisongray
Available for purchase:

Official Selection


A Murder on Wall Street: A Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery

by Owen Parr

Can a priest, his brother, and the brother's girlfriend solve a murder case and see justice done -- or will they be the murderer's latest victim?

Available Formats: eBook, Paperback, Audiobook
Publishing House: Self-Pub
Author's Twitter: @OWENPARR
Available for purchase:

Official Selection


The Neon Houses

by Linda C. Mims

Inexplicable, neon-colored houses are scattered throughout 2087 America. In New Chicago, they whisper deadly secrets to Noel Kennedy.

Available Formats: eBook
Publishing House: Morning Glory Publishing
Author's Twitter: @Boom_lyn
Available for purchase:


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