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Breaking into self-publishing - My story and testimonial

by Serina Hartwell
Author of 'The Hidden Saga'

I broke into the publishing world in 2010 when I wrote my first novel - Hidden. I had never even contemplated writing prior to sitting down and writing my first book. I was as shocked as the next person when I found that I had a natural inclination towards it. Without realizing it, writing was the missing piece that I'd been looking for my whole life and it was by chance that I made the discovery. Writing novels is the easy part for me, because writing brings me peace, the hard part is getting your work out there. I've tried both a publisher's platform and self publishing, and settled on being independent, but it hasn't been an easy route.  

Being self published means long hours. You not only have to write the novels, but you have to market them too, whilst building an audience. This is a massive undertaking when you start out and the reason why I've held back on releasing more of my books. Finding the balance between writing and getting your work out there is difficult and it came as a shock to me when I entered Hidden into the 2017 New Apple Summer eBook Awards and became an official selection in my category - Young Adult General Fiction. To be recognized in this manner is tremendous and adds weight to your work. 

Writing has opened up my life in ways I could never have imagined. The people I know through my work is unbelievable. Finding New Apple has taken my business up a gear. They have brought people to my sites and generated interest in my book; that I could never have done on my own. Regardless of the competitions they run to support us indie authors, their marketing services are brilliant. I would recommend them any day.

Author's Website:
Author Page on Amazon:
Author's Blog:
Author's Twitter: @SerinaHartwell
'The Hidden Saga Book 1' Available for purchase:


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Love on a LimbLove on a Limb, A Great Expectations Love Story, The Graykens: Book 1
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