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Some Thoughts On the World of Independent/Self-publishing

by Lorraine Devon Wilke
Author of 'Hysterical Love'

Hysterical LoveThe book industry is complex and sometimes confounding, but when my own journey took me into independent publishing (with my first novel, After The Sucker Punch), I found the freedom of creativity and presentation allowed in the indie world to be exhilarating. My book, done my way! I took the photograph for the cover, one created by an artist I admired; I wrote the exact story I wanted; I hired top editors, copyeditors and formatters to whip it into shape, and availed myself of every promotional outlet possible to get it out to the marketplace. It was demanding and sometimes very frustrating, but it resulted in a book I’m proud of that has won awards and been well-reviewed by readers and editors alike.

So after completing my second novel, Hysterical Love, I once again leapt into the indie platform, determined to put out the best possible book I could, that met every one of my exhaustive standards… no sophomore slump for me! It was a joy to write; once again I used my photography for the cover, I hired the same team to design, refine, and polish it, and happily sent it into the indie marketplace to excellent response. Having just won the “solo medal in the general fiction category” of New Apple’s 2017 Best of Summer E-Books Awards, I feel honored and acknowledged that I achieved my goal!

Of course, marketing and promotion remain the biggest challenges for any writer, certainly for us intrepid independents doing it on our own. It takes time, money, strategy and vigilance, and a willingness to relentlessly blow your own horn… not always easy and not necessarily in the wheelhouse of every writer. Plus, we indies push against persisting stigmas held by some in the media and marketing worlds that bar our books from select contests, review opportunities, and coverage in prestigious magazines and blogs. Aggravating and unfair, yes, but to my way of thinking, we transcend those generalities by proving them wrong: by putting out books so beautifully written, so well-constructed, so expertly presented that they can sit on the shelf next to any traditionally published book and shine in comparison. That will always be my goal as in indie writer; I hope it is for all of us.

I’ve got a third novel ready to go, A Nice White Girl, and while I’ve been exploring some new avenues and possibilities for publication, I am once again looking to take the indie route. We’ll see if I can follow my well-traveled road to indie success with this one as well… stay tuned!

But whatever route an author takes – hybrid publishing, traditional, self, small press – the goal is always good books. As an avid reader I will never tire of good books; as a writer, I will always do my best to create them. As both, I appreciate organizations like New Apple Literary for shining a light on good indie writers so enthusiastic readers can find them!

Author's Website:
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Author's Twitter: @LorraineDWilke
'Hysterical Love' Available for purchase:


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